
Specialized Insurance Protection for Farmers & Ranchers

Start with the Basics

RESIDENCE Covers your home, including additions and built-in components.

PRIVATE STRUCTURES Covers unattached structures related to your home, and fences, driveways, sidewalks and other permanently installed outdoor fixtures, within 250’ of the home.

PERSONAL PROPERTY Covers household property owned by or in the care of the insured. There are Special Limits for some Coverage C items (money, securities, watercraft, jewelry, etc.), which can be personalized for your specific needs. Some coverage is available for outdoor antennas, well pumps, and private power and light poles.

ADDITIONAL LIVING COSTS OR LOSS OF RENT Covers increased living costs and loss of rent or fair rental value when a covered loss makes the insured premises unfit for use.

BARNS, BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES Covers barns, bins, buildings and other structures, including attached sheds and fixtures, additional farm dwellings, silos, and portable buildings.

FARM PERSONAL PROPERTY Coverage can be “scheduled” or “unscheduled”, for farm personal property (on & off premises). Some examples are, but not limited to: machinery, livestock, rented or borrowed equipment, hay in the open and hay or grain in buildings.

Pick the Extras You Need

Choose from a long list of optional coverages (see below), or select the AgriRange PLUS* bundle of services — whichever meets your personal needs. Many more coverages and options are available — just ask your agent. Chances are, we can do it!

AGRIRANGE PLUS (effective 4-1-2015)
New Construction
Replacement and Newly Acquired Machinery
Rented or Borrowed Machinery
Newly Acquired Livestock to report
Hay in the Open – Stack Limit
Property in Custody of Common or Contract Carrier
Cab Glass Breakage (Non-Named Perils)
Farm Operations Records
Farm Extra Expense
Portable GPS systems
Unharvested Grain
Money, Bank Notes, Bullion, etc.
Securities, Stamps, etc.
Electronic Devices, Accessories, etc.
Watercraft, including trailers
Trailers not otherwise provided for
Theft of Jewelry, Silverware, Guns, etc.
Motorized Vehicles
Business Property on Premise
Grave Markers
Identity Fraud Expense Coverage
Replacement Cost for Well Pumps
Included with ANY AgriRange PLUS (no additional charge): Reward Payment, Power Failure Off Premises, Refrigerated Products, Animal Collision, & Damage to Property of Others

If you’d rather use an a la carte approach, choose from these optional coverages to meet your personal needs:

AGRIRANGE OPTIONAL COVERAGES (not all options are listed, ask an agent for details)
earthquakewater damage – sewer, drains & sumps
sprinkler leakageautomatic adjustment of limits
animal collisionequipment breakdown
identity fraud expensereplacement value – personal property
scheduled personal propertycomputers
business occupancy on premises (property)expanded debris removal
expanded ordinance or lawreplacement value – well pumps
incidental coverages – increased limitsopen perils – machinery
additional or winter perils – livestockincreased stack limit for hay
weight of ice, sleet, or snowextra expense
milk contaminationpeak season
special form – outbuildingsproperty of others

Don’t forget Liability

In addition to property coverages, your AgriRange policy can also provide flexible liability coverage — protecting you in the event of Personal Liability or Farm Liability. We can accommodate a family farm partnership, corporation, or trust, if needed. Some coverage for Medical Payments is also included in your AgriRange Policy.

Add autos, farm trucks, home in town — wrap it all together & save!

With your AgriRange policy, you can include personal vehicles or farm trucks or even your home in town if you don’t live on the farm. There are discounts available specifically for your auto coverage (for example, anti-lock brakes, defensive driving course completion, driver training, good student, and passive restraint discounts), as well as savings for combining your auto and property coverages. And, your billing is conveniently combined as well. Plus, see above about our Common Cause of Loss Deductible — instant savings!


New or Remodeled HomeSize of Account
Protective Devices (fire alarm, etc.)Hail-resistive Roof
Renewal (save by staying with us!)Non-smoker
Multi-Policy (with auto coverage)No woodburning fireplace or supplemental heating device
Insurance ScoreEmpty Nest
Loss RatioNew Business

How are Claims Settled?

While we hope you never have a loss, it pays to plan ahead. When you buy your policy, you have options for how a loss would be settled, and it all depends on your particular property and your personal preferences.

REPLACEMENT COST – pays the cost to repair or replace the property at the time of the loss, up to the policy limits.

ACTUAL CASH VALUE – will pay the actual cash value of the property at the time of the loss, but no more than the amount required to repair or replace the property.

Multiple policies, multiple deductibles, right?   Maybe not!

With our Common Cause of Loss Deductible you pay only one deductible if the same event damages your buildings and your vehicles. Provided for all customers, no additional charge.

Your Farmers Alliance agent is the best source of information regarding these coverages. Talk with them about your specific situation, and they’ll know just what you need!

IMPORTANT: Refer to the policy for coverages provided and pricing. If there is any conflict between the policy and this information, the provisions of the policy shall prevail.