Farmers Alliance supports the American Red Cross

The Red Cross Bloodmobile outside of Farmers Alliance
The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Through a network of generous donors, volunteers and employees, they share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world, through five key service areas: Disaster Relief, Supporting America’s Military Families, Lifesaving Blood, Health and Safety Services, and International Services.
5.6 million blood donations are collected by the Red Cross each year! 3.3 million generous volunteer blood donors roll up a sleeve each year.
Blood donors are ordinary people – high school students, factory and office workers, business executives, parents and grandparents, and people from every walk of life, including the insurance professionals at Farmers Alliance!
Farmers Alliance has several employees that give blood whenever the truck comes around. JoLynn Stout (Human Resources) is the company blood drive coordinator. She promotes the drive, and recruits employees to sign up and give blood. Lunch is also provided to Red Cross Staff and employees.
Sandy Baldwin (Claims) is a frequent donor, and had this to say about giving. “Through personal experiences over the years, I’ve learned first-hand the importance of having a reliable blood supply available to those in need. Since Farmers Alliance has the Red Cross Bloodmobile come to our office, I really can’t think of a reason not to participate in the drive, or at least to give it a try. In most cases, giving blood is quick and easy. It just seems to be the right thing to do!”
If you would like to give to the Red Cross or would like to donate blood. Visit their site here.