Insurance Checklist
Have you made life changes such as bought new furniture, built an addition to your home, bought a car, or even had your teen become a legal driver? Life is constantly changing. Make sure your insurance reflects those changes to take care of the people you love!
- Tell your agent about home improvements. Have you expanded your home? New additions are great! Don’t forget to let your agent know so it can get included on your home policy!
- Home possessions are something that also need to be accounted for. Whether it is new jewelry, furniture, or even clothing, should a catastrophe ever happen, it is important to have your belongings covered. Fires, floods, and tornadoes happen! Be prepared!
- Reviewing policy limits with your agent is important! Every policy has an allocated limit when it comes to covering your possessions. As your valuables change, your policy may need to change. Check with your agent!
- Chances are, you may own a car, a house, or even a farm. Make sure you work with your agent to combine these policies to save you money!
- Routine maintenance on your home and car are not only important from a safety standpoint, but can make them last so much longer! Whether this is cleaning leaves out of gutters, trimming trees back from your house, or even changing the oil in your car consistently, keeping your house and car in tip-top shape can prevent a disaster from occurring!